July 23, 2016: Where in the World … is…

…Carmen Sandiego?! I think one of my favorite memories from elementary school was playing Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? in the 4th grade. My teacher had one of the first Macintosh computers in her classroom … and already I was kind of known as a computer dork … so one day she showed me and another kid this game, and…

June 29, 2016: The Pace of Learning

A big fallback for parenting has always been that old saying, “…as long as they’re healthy…”, so it can be particularly scary when somebody tells you that your kid might not be developing like he’s supposed to be… Christopher turned two years-old earlier this spring and although I could never keep most of the dates straight when…

Apr 25, 2016: Reading Is Fundamental

This is one scene around the house that I never get tired of seeing! Even if he isn’t really so much as talking yet, Christopher seems to love flipping through books, whether they’re these big picture books meant to help him learn words or even just regular story books. I was always very much into reading growing up, so…