So last night was my first night alone with TWO CHILDREN.
😯 😯 😯
We survived! Though I’m still grateful that my wife will only be working one day a week so that she can be home more to take care of the kids, I think us boys (plus Cleo) got by alright during our 12 hours of unsupervised freedom. Meals were consumed, Mickey Mouse and Sesame Street were watched, and in the end bedtime came and went mostly without error…
Honestly, the only time that David really gave me any problem is when *I* was ready to go to bed because he slept so well while I stayed up a bit later than I probably should’ve writing, he must’ve sensed it and thus within a half hour of my going to bed was when he decided to start fussing and wake up after a good four-hour nap!
So that sucked, but it wasn’t all bad. We’ve both been trying to get Christopher more acclimated to his little brother … especially in preparation for eventually having Matthew come home as well … and so at one point during the evening while he was riding around on his Jake and the Neverland Pirates Boat Thingy, they shared a good 5 – 10 seconds where he let me rest David in front of him on the boat!
It would’ve made for a cute picture if I had an extra set of hands or three. 🙂
The final verdict, I think if I were grading myself, would be a solid B+ for last night’s dual-child parenting premiere. Tune-in next week for the true test of strength when (hopefully) I’ll be juggling THREE KIDS all by myself when Sara reports to work again next Friday!
But really … how bad could it be?! 😛