
I’ve always been intrigued by creators who take the time to do something with their art every. single. day.

Some of my favorites have been Casey Neistat’s vlog and Jonathan Coulton’s Thing a Week – I love the idea of taking a single moment in time and just doing with it whatever you can in that very moment, unburdened by striving for perfection, but instead shrugging off those unrealistic expectations and just creating in the moment, knowing in the back of your mind that you’ll be doing the same thing the next day, and the next day, and so on…

Of course, my thing is writing, so that’s what I’m going to be doing here.

I haven’t been writing as much as I would like to lately, so the idea is simply to take a few minutes each and every day to reflect on something that happened that day. It might be a story or something weird that I came across at the grocery store, or even a picture of my son making a funny face that made me laugh! Chances are I’ll probably write most of them from my phone at the end of the day – nothing fancy, just a few minutes to share a moment from my life every single day.

This should be interesting!